Because I keep saying it has been way too long since I have posted and I have great things to share with you.. which is true, but I hate being a talker and not a doer.  The truth is I have been seriously busy!  As of Monday I will have been at my new job for 6 weeks and I love it more and more every day! 

I am also moving next weekend into my very own 1 bedroom apartment so I have been totally preoccupied dreaming up how I am going to use all of that space and turn it into my creative playland.  I am seriously having dreams about wall colors and furniture arrangements!

I am desparate to have yellow walls, so I am thinking a yellow half wall with a chair rail in the bedroom (to accent my dark wood mid century furniture and white bedspread).  I have gone chair rail crazy and somehow convinced myself that a house is not a home without a chair rail, so I am adding one to the living room too!  I am thinking blue walls in the living room. I bought an awesome aquamarine couch, so I think blue will look great with it! 

I am definitely not afraid of color and most people I talk to are scared of my crazy ideas, so I am turning to you, dear internet, for some support.  Surely there must be one or two of you out there who wouldn't mind never seeing another pastel wall for the rest of their lives???

Here are some living rooms that I love...


  1. Unknown on May 15, 2010 at 5:11 PM

    Ooooo, I love that bottom pic! I say, if you love color on your walls, go for it! It's your space and it needs to make you happy, not anybody else =)

  2. Studio 7 Photography on May 21, 2010 at 12:18 PM

    Go with the yellow. It's Aryn's favorite color and it always brightens up a room.

  3. Nicole on May 23, 2010 at 5:48 PM

    Love, love, love yellow! It's so bright and cheery! Hope the move went smoothly!

  4. Unknown on May 26, 2010 at 7:47 PM

    yes! and i want you to post pictures of your apartment now that you've painted it! can't wait to see it next week. =]