If you are anything like me you run and hide when you see a camera pointed in your direction.  For as comfortable as I am behind the camera I am equally uncomfortable in front of it!  There is nothing worse than looking through a batch of photos and hating every one of you!  But the good news is it doesn't have to be that way.  Let me repeat that... IT DOESN"T HAVE TO BE THAT WAY!!!  (Good news, right :) 

So many people shy away from having their picture taken because they believe they are unphotogenic.  But everyone can learn to do a few things to make them look better in photos. Here are a few things that I have learned to do myself and I share with my clients who are doubting their modeling abilities.

1. Relax!  This is my biggest mistake- I get so worried that the picture will be bad that I guarantee it will be bad with my worried expression!  Remember, it's just a digital photo and if it's bad you can just delete it!  No one ever has to know.  Also, keep in mind that you are most likely the only person on earth who notices your "faults." That scar, wrinkle, birthmark etc. makes you look like you and the people who love you probably don't even see those things.

2. Don't make a funny face (unless of course you're taking funny face pictures).  Nothing ruins a beautifully framed and lit photo like a cheesy smile or bizarre expression. 

3. Keep your chin down.  When you are about to have your photo taken imagine a number 7.  Trace the bottom of your chin along the number 7 starting at the top left.  This will force you to extend your neck out towards the camera and tilt your head down a little bit which minimizes a double chin.

4. Drop your shoulders.  Tyra was right- always try to lengthen your neck.  A lot of times people will hunch their shoulders up around their face making them look more like a football player than a dainty little girl.  I was born with, ahem... strong, German shoulders so when I have my photo taken I always squeeze my shoulder blades together to bring my shoulders back and then drop them like they're hot (that's right, I said it- what up 2004)!

5. Lean towards the camera just a tad.  I'm not talking pinup girl here, just enough to lengthen your neck a little more.  Plus, whatever is closest to the camera appears larger, so this move is slimming.

6. If all else fails, ask the photo taker to stand while you sit.  Looking up at the camera always slims your face. 

Those are just a few of my tips, but ultimately being photogenic is personal to each person.  Next time you see a photo of yourself that you don't like notice what it is about that photo that is unflattering and think about what you can do to make it more flattering.  Have small eyes?  Practice keeping them more open while you smile into a mirror.  Don't like your nose?  Look for angles that are most flattering and stick with them. 

I  believe everyone deserves to have at least 1 beautiful photo of themselves each year so they can remember who they are, where they've been, and where they're going. 

1 Comment

  1. Nicole on February 11, 2010 at 8:31 AM

    I wish you sold confidence in a bottle, that would work too. :) Great tips!