It's just me, I'm always like this. Over zealous. Always jumping ahead of myself, which is exactly what happened when I decided to tackle re-branding my blog.

I should note that I know nothing about graphic design and am woefully unqualified for any sort of branding effort. But I am also broke, so I must learn or die trying. That's my motto of late.

I just got a copy of Photoshop suite and have no idea how to use it, but I am Googling, asking and reading and I'm determined to learn how to make a blog header that is cool, unique and reflects my personality- which my current one does not (reflect my personality that is... I do think it's cool).

The hardest part of branding is deciding who you are as an artist and how to represent that visually (you'd think that would be easy for me since I'm a photographer, but no cigar). The problem is that I like too many styles. Modern, minimalist, funky, vintage. I love it all!

So, please bear with me as I figure out which style I love the most and how to make Photoshop reflect that. (If any of you graphic artists have tips for me, I'd wash your dishes every night for the rest of your life :)


  1. Child of Wonder on January 18, 2010 at 8:07 PM

    you don't need to apologize, dear nicola. it's a journey, like everything else. you are hitting milestones, but there is no destination. you are forging ahead, and it is exciting to watch!

  2. Nicoracle Photography on January 19, 2010 at 7:06 PM

    I like this background, I think it's represents you very well!

  3. Renee on January 19, 2010 at 7:07 PM

    I just posted the last comment, but it says Nicoracle photography posted it...weird!!

  4. Child of Wonder on January 19, 2010 at 7:50 PM

    haha, i thought that was nicole talking to me! i was confused. that makes more sense. ;)